
"Happiness is the journey, not the destination."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I actually had something I wanted to say on here.

I can't remember it now...

Anyway, mostly I've been doing my thing (looking at pictures & gifs & videos of primarily hockey players) on tumblr.

I'm not making much progress in doing things that need doing; I need to start setting timers even more than alarms, I think. & maybe when we have medical insurance again, I should see about figuring out what the hell it is that keeps me so tired & unmotivated all the time. It's kinda getting old; I'm done with feeling mentally foggy all the time.

I'm trying to get back into the habit of yoga every day. I may have to start letting the kids practice with me; otherwise I won't have time till midnight every night (starting Friday they have a WHOLE WEEK off school, then they only have about 3-4 more weeks before the super-long winter break (which is at least a month long).

I dunno, it feels like I had something of substance to say, but I can't think what it is, still.

Laundry and reading...

Monday, November 4, 2013

I have been remiss....

... I have been letting this blog languish. In my defense, there's been a lot going on. One of these days I may update on that. For right now, I'll just say I've been spending a lot of time on Tumblr loving hockey. & on the rare occasion I have a thought that requires more than 140 characters, it's generally not that long & it's easier just to slam it out really quickly on Tumblr.

But I will figure something out & get back to this, I promise! For the whole, what, 3 of you reading?