
"Happiness is the journey, not the destination."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday 9: 'Til I Hear it From You

I occasionally do this meme/blog hoppity thing (but don't usually link back to the original b/c I'm bad & I forget...

So, without further ado...

Saturday 9: 'Til I Hear It From You

1. If someone, that you trusted, told you that your lover was cheating, would you believe them or not? --Probably not, to be truthful. I know the DH & I don't think he could hide it from me.

2. What is something that you are disappointed about right now? --I'm disappointed that I felt too bad this afternoon to be able to load my kids up & make the 45min drive to go see a free concert featuring the Charlie Daniels Band (it's Friday night as I write this). But to be honest, the only song I'm familiar with is "Devil Went Down to Georgia," and I really *did* need to just stay home & try to relax a bit.

3. Jonathan Frid, who was the original Barnabas Collins on Dark Shadows from 1967-1971, passed away in Canada at the age of 87. Who is your favorite vampire? --ummm... can't actually think of one offhand. Not too long ago, I would have said Butch from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, but I'm kinda off those at the moment. I enjoy Katie MacAlister's Dark Ones, but don't really have a favorite of the vamps (but love the Beloveds, especially Pia). And Angela Knight's -- which are all based on the King Arthur legends & personae -- are lovely, but it's been a while since I read any of them. I should consider re-reading.

4. Should there be age limits on social networking sites such as facebook? --Tough one. It's good for kids to learn how to interact safely online, but at the same time, they're not receiving as much supervision as perhaps they should. Ultimately, I don't think there should be age limits, partly because it's too easy for someone to lie about their age online, and therefor it'd be impossible to effectively enforce. BUT I think adults need to make more of an effort to supervise what their kids are doing online, and make sure they're interacting in a positive way.

5. Tell us about your pets. Do you have one that you wish would run away? --Sometimes, yeah. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs. The cats are Mouse, 3-ish and grey, and Mr. Fuzzybutt, 13-ish, white and deaf. They can both get irritating, but Mr. Fuzzybutt more so because he's getting crotchety in his old age, and he's LOUD! The dogs are both obnoxious -- Butters is a 2YO boxer mix who looks like a half-grown Great Dane. He's loud, energetic, and, well, young. He can do some damage without intending to, and even when he's just playing or being affectionate, he can be a bit...overwhelming. And the other is Ike, who's very young (we're guessing 6-8 weeks, although he was a stray, so until we can get him into the vet, we don't know for sure.) He has impressed or something on me, and clings like a little vine. He's not housetrained, and he destroys training pads. He's tiny -- possibly a chihuahua mix -- and drives me absolutely bat-shit crazy!

6. Do you ever have a hard time with morals? --Only in that I feel like morality is used to justify things that would be unpalatable if people actually *thought* about what they're doing. Also, morality is very much more a gray area than people want to believe it is, especially as society changes, and things that were once considered immoral are moving more and more into the public eye and being shown as ridiculous. Even if you believe non-cis, non-hetero sexuality is immoral, it is no less immoral to bully, beat or kill those who stray off your beaten path. If you're going to hold people up to a certain standard, you have to be sure you are meeting that same standard -- in this case, the one which says no sex outside of marriage, no sex without intent to procreate, no lustful thoughts about a person NOT your spouse... I don't believe there's many people in this world who could live up to that standard.

7. Did you make 'a plan' the first time you made love or did it just happen? --Oh, it definitely just happened! I don't do too well with plans -- plans are what you do while life is happening around you! ;)

8. Do you agree that fame is lousy or would you love to give it a try? Why? --I don't necessarily think it's lousy; there must be a few perks or so many people wouldn't want it! I mean, I suppose if you have a certain type of personality that needs that, it's probably got some extremely great moments. I, personally, though, would really rather not be in the spotlight like that. I have trouble not panicking when meeting with a dozen women I don't know yet but they're all spouses of men my DH is deployed with. So, y'know, they know what I'm going through, at least to the extend that they're going through their own version of the same thing.

9. Do you believe in forever, as in 'love forever'? --Yes. I know that, even though we're not together, I still have feelings for those of my ex-boyfriends I genuinely cared about. And I know I always will.

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